Accrued Rent Journal Entry

An accrued rent journal entry refers to rent expense that has been incurred but not yet paid. This occurs when rent is due at the end of an accounting period but has not been paid by the end of that period. Accrued rent is recognized as a liability in the books of accounts until it is paid.

Key Concepts

  • Accrued Rent Expense: Rent expense that has been incurred but not yet paid.
  • Liability: Accrued rent is recorded as a liability in the balance sheet.

Journal Entry for Accrued Rent

Scenario: Accrued Rent at the End of the Accounting Period

Example: A business has a monthly rent of ₹30,000. The rent for September 2023 has not been paid by the end of the month (30-09-2023).

  1. Recognizing Accrued Rent Expense:

When the rent expense is incurred but not yet paid, you need to recognize it as an expense and a liability.

Journal Entry:

DateAccount TitleDebit (INR)Credit (INR)Description
30-09-2023Rent Expense30,000Record accrued rent expense
30-09-2023To Accrued Rent Payable30,000Rent due but not yet paid
  1. Paying the Accrued Rent:

When the accrued rent is paid in the next accounting period, you need to eliminate the liability and reduce the cash or bank account.

Journal Entry for Payment of Accrued Rent:

Example: On 05-10-2023, the business pays the accrued rent of ₹30,000.

DateAccount TitleDebit (INR)Credit (INR)Description
05-10-2023Accrued Rent Payable30,000Eliminate accrued rent liability
05-10-2023To Cash/Bank30,000Payment of accrued rent

Additional Examples

1. Accrued Rent at Year-End

Example: A business has an annual rent of ₹360,000, payable monthly at ₹30,000. The rent for December 2023 has not been paid by the end of the year (31-12-2023).

Journal Entry:

DateAccount TitleDebit (INR)Credit (INR)Description
31-12-2023Rent Expense30,000Record accrued rent expense
31-12-2023To Accrued Rent Payable30,000Rent due but not yet paid

Payment of Accrued Rent:

Example: On 05-01-2024, the business pays the accrued rent of ₹30,000.

Journal Entry:

DateAccount TitleDebit (INR)Credit (INR)Description
05-01-2024Accrued Rent Payable30,000Eliminate accrued rent liability
05-01-2024To Cash/Bank30,000Payment of accrued rent


Accrued rent accounting ensures that expenses are recorded in the period they are incurred, regardless of when they are paid. This is essential for accurate financial reporting and maintaining the integrity of financial statements.

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